Birthday Certificate Templates – Get these six fun birthday certificates to use on Facebook to wish friends and family members a happy birthday. Also, deliver the certificate in person in place of a birthday card. They work great in offices as recipients can post the certificates quickly.
Birthday Certificate Templates
Six different options for these Birthday Certificate Templates to choose from. A couple is more appropriate for kids and a couple for adults. Choose an option that fits the recipient.
Birthday Certificates – Frequently Asked Questions
- Who are these certificates designed for? Really, is anyone celebrating a birthday?
- Do they work on both Macs and PCs? Yes, definitely. Adobe Reader is loaded on most computers, but it’s a free download if you don’t have it. It enables you to read a PDF. If you’re on a Mac, open Adobe Reader first and then open the PDF.
- Why use a certificate instead of a birthday card? These certificates are big and oversized compared to cards, making a more significant statement. Plus, because of their digital nature, you can take a screen capture and post it on Facebook or as an attachment for texts and emails. Another reason folks like these: you can customize them in a printed text style that looks polished.
- Where do folks hang the certificates? Refrigerators (home and work), bedroom walls, bulletin boards, cubicle walls, frame it for desktop and other locations.
Birthday Certificates Instead of Birthday Cards
With purchase, you’ll immediately receive a link to download this yoga certificate pack PDF. Then, download the PDF file and open in Acrobat Reader. You’ll be able to see all six certificates by scrolling down.
Select the certificate you’d like, and highlight the text fields to enter the recipient’s name, date, and any other information you wish to add. Then, print and present. Simple to do, fun to receive, and rewarding to present!
Everyone likes to be recognized on their birthdays. Now, here’s your chance to stand out from the crowd. Don’t just say, “Happy Birthday?”; say it with style.
Yoga Certificate Templates — $11.99