Basement Games Certificates Templates – Things can get competitive quickly when playing table tennis, pool, or darts with friends and neighbors. To recognize winners, use these stylish certificates to set the record straight.
We’ve covered you for poker, foosball, table tennis, pool, darts, and Texas Hold’em. The winner walks home with the Champion Certificate. It’s that clear!
Basement Games Certificates Templates
Stylish Designs
You get six certificates:
- Poker Champion certificate.
- Darts Champion certificate.
- Table Tennis Champion certificate.
- Texas Hold’em Champion certificate.
- Pool Champion certificate.
- Foosball Champion certificate
How The Certificates Work
To print out the certificate you select, scroll down and fill in the text fields with info like name, date, record, stats, and a summary. Then, print it out. It’s nice to have high-quality paper, but it’s not necessary. The certificates will look great on regular typing paper. Then, present the certificate to the recipient.
Basement Games certificates – Frequently Asked Questions
- Who are these certificates designed for? Great for neighborhood tournaments, bar tournaments, community tournaments, and the like.
- When’s the best time to hand out these award certificates? Right after the competition or at the celebration party following. Really, any time works.
- Do these basement games certificates work on both Macs and PCs? Yes, they do. Adobe Reader is loaded on most computers, but it’s a free download if you don’t have it. It enables you to read a PDF. If you’re on a Mac, make sure to open Adobe Reader first and then open the PDF.
- Where do folks hang the certificates? Frame it for desktop and other locations on basement walls by the competition table, on the kitchen refrigerator, bedroom walls, bulletin boards, and cubicle walls. ALSO, PLEASE NOTE: you can take screen captures of the certificates with filled-in info and post it on Facebook or Twitter. Or, attach the screenshots to texts and emails. It’s a fun way to let your Facebook friends know what you’ve been up to.
From Darts to Table Tennis
You’ll immediately receive a link to download this yoga certificate pack PDF with purchase. Then, download the PDF file and open it in Acrobat Reader. You’ll be able to see all six certificates by scrolling down.
Select the certificate you’d like, and highlight the text fields to enter the recipient’s name, date, and any other information you wish to add. Then, print and present. Simple to do, fun to receive, and rewarding to present!
When you’re playing for the certificate, it gets even more competitive. It’s a fun way to recognize winners, remember past games and remind folks of who the winner was.
Basement Games Certificate Templates — $11.99