Hockey certificates for hockey coaches, hockey team parents, hockey moms, and hockey dads. Present these to your players at season-ending parties, at mid-season, after a big tournament, or throughout the year.
What person doesn’t want to get a little recognition? Combine the certificate award with some words of praise and create memorable moments for youngsters and adults.

Hockey Certificates Templates
With your purchase, you will receive a series of certificate templates in one PDF file. PDFs work on Macs and PCs. Just personalize, print, and present. You personalize the certificate by typing the player’s name, date, coach’s name, team name, and words of praise into the preset text fields. Fill it in the way you want it.
In addition to traditional favorites like “Hockey Superstar,” “Hockey Champion,” and “Assist Leader,” look for some fun certificates like “Best Hockey Hair,” “Best Playoff Beard,” and “Fabulous Flow.” There’s something for everyone, even a “Coolest Coach” award!
These certificates take seconds to create, and you can make them yourself whenever you want. Use season after season. It’s a fun and easy way to provide a memorable keepsake to hockey players. Help them remember the fabulous season you had.
You might like our Foosball Champion Certificate.

Hockey Certificates of Achievement – Complete Set
Get The Complete Set

Creating these memory-provoking keepsakes is easy, and the finished results look great.
Hockey Certificates Ideas
When’s the right time to use these hockey certificate templates? The quick answer: any time! But here are some ideas for you on when to use these hockey awards:
- After the first hockey tournament.
- At the mid-season mark.
- At the season-ending pizza party.
- Any time you have a lot of downtime at a tournament.
- After your team has suffered a frustrating loss and needs something to lift their spirits.
- As a weekly tradition after every regular season game.
Hockey Award Certificates – How to Award ’em
You can make the awarding of these hockey certificates as big of a deal as you want it to be. At least once for the team, you should try to gather a large audience – including parents, friends, and family members – and call each player up to receive the certificate individually. Prior to the award day, spend some time getting the right words down on each certificate.
It’s easy to enter the text fields. When the players come up, spend some time and make sure you say some nice things. Parents will notice. Kids will remember. It can be a great confidence boost and motivator for players. Before the player leaves to sit down, make sure that they turn around with a certificate in hand and that someone takes a photo. Also, make sure that you get a group shot with everyone holding up their hockey award certificates.
You can also use the certificates and distribute them more privately. Maybe a player went above and beyond the call of duty and made a substantial contribution. Perhaps someone is a true leader during practices and lifts the whole team with him or her. Recognize those great individual efforts with an award certificate.