Basketball Certificates – for players, coaches and team parents.
71 Basketball Certificates
Basketball Award Certificates – Throughout the season or at a season-ending party, here’s your opportunity to recognize players and coaches with a keepsake basketball certificate. What better way to instill confidence in a player or to say thank you for a job well done?

From “You’re an All-Star” to “The Coolest Coach,” each recipient will cherish these classy, well-designed award certificate templates. Customize them with players’ names, team name, date, and individual words of praise. Create a lasting keepsake with just a few strokes of your keyboard!
Basketball Certificates Templates
Basketball Certificates Printables – Get The Complete Set

Creating these memory-provoking keepsakes is easy and the finished results look great.

Basketball Certificates Ideas
When our kids played youth basketball, a couple of coaches awarded players on the team basketball award certificates. The certificate included their name, a small stick man-like graphic, and some words or praise.
Other info included the team’s season record and the player’s jersey number. The basketball certificates didn’t look like much. But, still, our kids hung them proudly in their rooms for over a year. The certificates meant something to them.
See our Best Cheerleader Certificate.
Taking that concept and adding the help of a professional designer is how these basketball award certificates came to be. They’re fun, they’re stylish, and they’ll serve as a great keepsake. Kids will want to hang them in their rooms, on bulletin boards, or on the fridge for a long time. We’ve made it simple for you with the customizable version. Download it, type in the essential information, and you’re ready.
There are also options for coaches and team parents. Because who doesn’t like to be recognized?

Award Certificates
When to award basketball certificates:
- At the season-ending pizza party, each player and coach will be recognized.
- After the first big tournament.
- At the mid-season mark.
- The first practice after a problematic loss was to pick up everyone’s spirits.
- Weekly to top performers.
Why Award Basketball Certificates?
- To build players’ confidence.
- To say “thank you” to people who have helped the team like team parents, schedulers, scorekeepers, etc.
- As a gift.
- As a keepsake for something to remember a fun season by.
- To lift a team’s spirits after a difficult loss.
- To congratulate a team after a big tournament.
- To acknowledge a great season.
- As an appreciation for a coach who gave their all.
- To recognize hard work stats that don’t show up in the scorebook.
- For a player’s self-esteem.
- Kids love them.
- Parents enjoy them.
- Kids and adults want to feel appreciated.
Basketball Practice Plans Help
If you’re looking for some help with your practice planning, check out Basketball Practice Plans. Save time, work with a proven systems and get the most from your team!